What Is E-Filing System?
E-Filing is a system that provides you a way to file individual income tax online. It means you can file the tax anytime anywhere in May.
為何我要使用網路申報? Why should I use e-Filing system?
1.比紙本申報更快退稅 1.To get the refund more quickly.
2.多樣化的線上繳稅方式 2.To have multiple ways of paying tax online.
3.在家即可完成 3.To file the tax at home.
4.可下載您的個人報稅資料 4.To download your tax data(including Income, Deduction, etc.) for reference.
5.了解台灣的稅制方式 5.To learn how the tax works in Taiwan.
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How to login e-Filing system?
To login the system, you only need the matched ARC and Passport number.
Additionally, there are the other 5 ways you can not only login the system butdownload your tax data(including income, deduction, etc.).
Can I upload the attachments when I use e-Filing system?
No, the system is not available to upload the documents.
If you have supplementary documents to submit, you still have to mail (or bring) to the jurisdictional tax authority.